Ram Bedi
Affiliate Assistant Professor,Department of Bioengineering,University of Washington, Seattle WA
Title: Detection of Subclinical Atherosclerosis to Guide Prophylactic Medical Intervention
Biography: Ram Bedi
The objective of this talk will be to discuss subclinical atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD) detection using B-mode ultrasound, with special emphasis on the incremental value of performing imaging in multiple peripheral arteries, and to compare imaging findings with traditional risk factors for medical intervention eligibility. A simplified metric of atherosclerotic disease burden (FUster-Narula or FUN Score) has been developed from 3D imaging data by summing intima-media volume (IMV) over 5cm arterial segments. Effectiveness of ASCVD prevention guidelines to direct therapy will be compared to results from direct imaging. Data from two North American clinics (n=481, mean age 59.68±11.95, 39% female) showed that 203 subjects (42%) had carotid plaque; 82% of whom would not have qualified for lipid lowering therapy under the ATP III Guidelines. Using the recently published ATP IV Guidelines, 33% of the individuals with carotid plaque would also have failed to qualify for treatment. It will be shown how B-mode ultrasound examination improves identification of individuals who could be targeted for prophylactic medical intervention as an adjunct to traditional risk factor assessment.